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Python print formatting of binary number

I have a binary number I need to print including the leading zeros. So far I do this with:

print("CRC -> {:08b}".format(crc)

But this crc could have different sizes. What I'd like to achieve is a print statement that instead of :08b would take individual length like

crc_len = (len(hex(crc))-2)*4

But how would my print then need to look, how can I do conditional formatting depending on crc_len?


  • You may first prepare the format string (because it is just a string, after all) and then use it for formatting the CRC:

    crc = 23534
    format = "CRC -> {{:0{:d}b}}".format((len(hex(crc)) - 2)*4)
    #'CRC -> {:016b}'
    #'CRC -> 0101101111101110'