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Multiple Currency symbols in numberformatinfo

While writing a piece of code, I came across where using Numberformatinfo, I had to write two currency symbols for a country at the same time.

Taiwan, now uses TWD as their currency symbol along with . So they write their Currency as NTD 23,900 起.

But just by using NumberformatInfo, I am not able to put two currency symbols at the same time.

    public NumberFormatInfo GetCurrencyFormat(string countryCode, string languageCode)
    {var cultureInfo = GetCultureInfo(countryCode, languageCode);

        var currencyFormat = GetCurrencyFormat(cultureInfo);
        return currencyFormat;

Here I can change the symbol, but to only one of the above mentioned, which can be placed either before the amount or after.


  • I'm afraid, there is only one way, how to do this. You need to implement a custom type with a custom formatter.

    There seems not be a support for two currency symbols/shortcuts and or one of four predefined formats (see: remarks in documentation)

    Simple version can be like this.

    using System;
    using System.Globalization;
    namespace TwoCurrencySymbols
      internal sealed class Currency : IFormattable
        private readonly IFormattable value;
        public Currency(IFormattable myValue)
          value = myValue;
        public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
          if (format == "C")
            return ("EUR " + value.ToString(format, formatProvider));
          return value.ToString(format, formatProvider);
      internal static class Program
        private static void Main()
          Console.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:C}", new Currency(1)));

    The example is constructed for EURO currency (my locale). In your real implementation you need to determine, whether the format should be changed, e.g. if if ((format == "C") && IsTaiwan(formatProvider)).