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How to change meta tags in zend framework layout

So I have some default meta tags on layout.phtml set using

$this->headTitle() and $this->headMeta()->appendName()

and is echoed at layout.phtml's header

My question is: How do I change those default meta tags from the view file such that they are replaced?

I tried using:

$this->headMeta()->appendName() or setName()

Instead of replacing the old default meta tags, it would create an entirely new meta tag. How can I replace them?


  • I would recommend setting a view variable for the keywords. For example, in your bootstrap.php you could define a default keywords as follows:

    protected function _initSetDefaultKeywords() {
         $view = $this->bootstrap('view')->getResource('view');        
         $view->keywords = 'default keywords';

    In layout.phtml you would have then:

    <?php echo $this->headMeta()->appendName('keywords', $this->keywords); ?>

    Finally, in your views (or actions) you could change the meta keywords simply by changing the keywords view variable:

    // in an action
    $this->view->keywords = 'new kewords';
    //or in a view
    <?php $this->keywords = 'new kewords'; ?>