Search code examples

Call to a Member Function fill() on Null Laravel

I've been trying to edit a record. My code will create a new record if the data is null. However, I get the following error:

Call to a member function fill() on null.

I'm not sure what I did wrong; maybe I didn't declare?



public function auctionUpdate(Request $request, MediaSite $mediaSite)
    $auction = $mediaSite->auction;

    DB::transaction(function() use ($request, $mediaSite, $auction){
           'status', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'period_start_date'

        if($auction == null)
            $auction = new Auction();


   return view('', [
       'mediaSite' => $mediaSite,
       'auction' => $auction


  • You should check if auction is null before fill()

    your modified script

    public function auctionUpdate(Request $request, MediaSite $mediaSite)
        $auction = $mediaSite->auction;
        DB::transaction(function() use ($request, $mediaSite, $auction){
            if($auction == null)
                $auction = new Auction();
               'status', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'period_start_date'
       return view('', [
           'mediaSite' => $mediaSite,
           'auction' => $auction