With the Google PageSpeed Insights tool now using Lighthouse audits, I am needing to update a WordPress plugin I built which puts these audits into the WP dashboard for users.
I've noticed that Lighthouse considers some opportunities to be 'passed' even if they do not score 100% on the audit.
Does anyone know if there is a fixed threshold that Lighthouse considers 'good enough'? For instance, maybe anything scoring 95% or better is considered a pass?
Lighthouse returns a score between 0 (lowest possible score) and 100 (best possible score).
According to the Lighthouse Scoring Guide:
- 0 to 49 (slow): Red
- 50 to 89 (average): Orange
- 90 to 100 (fast): Green
These color buckets were revised in Lighthouse v3.1.1.
Therefore, a "pass" appears to represent a score of 90 or greater.