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Creating a hosted 'web form' for a user to authenticate via SAML

We have the following 'use case', and I hope someone can point us in the right direction as to how to develop such functionality:

  • User visits a company-hosted site, with an embedded form for SAML SSO - Username, Password, 'Forgot Password' Link.
  • User enters details and the login is 'authenticated' (or not)

We have the above working, but upon authentication, the user is taken to the page. What we want to happen is after a successful authentication, the user is directed to a different page on the company-hosted site. --> SAML Authentication -->

Is this possible?


  • Never used onelogin but all the SAML IDP configurations that I have used allow you to configure the website ACS (application consumer service).

    After successful authentication, the IDP redirects to this URL.