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Grid line only on data point for scratter points

I need to draw x & y intercepts for all data points in a scratter chart. I went through major and minor grid lines. But it could not be my perfect solution.

Like the image below:

The sample image with x and y intercepts only on data points


  • You can use the render function of the chart to draw the horizontal and vertical lines on the chart surface. In the following demo, I name the x and y axes so that in the render function I can use the getAxis() method along with slot and range. See DOCS.


    var data = [[0.67, 5.4], [2.2, 2], [3.1, 3]];
      series: [{
        type: "scatter",
            data: data,
            markers: {size: 16},
      yAxis: { name: "value",   majorGridLines: {visible: false } },
      xAxis: { name: "category",    majorGridLines: {visible: false } },
      render: function(e){
        var chart = e.sender;
        var yAxis = chart.getAxis("value");
        var xAxis = chart.getAxis("category");
            //iterate each point on the chart
            for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
                //vertical line
                var valRange = yAxis.range();
            var valSlot = yAxis.slot(valRange.min, valRange.max);
                var point = data[i];            
                var catSlot = xAxis.slot(point[0]);
                var path = new kendo.drawing.Path({
                 stroke: {color: "#B3BDBD", width: 1}
                }).moveTo(catSlot.origin.x + catSlot.size.width/2, valSlot.origin.y)
                    .lineTo(catSlot.origin.x + catSlot.size.width/2, valSlot.bottomRight().y);
                //horizontal line
                var ySlot = yAxis.slot(point[1]);
                var xRange = xAxis.range();
                var xSlot = xAxis.slot(xRange.min, xRange.max);
                var pathH = new kendo.drawing.Path({
                 stroke: {color: "#B3BDBD", width: 1}
                }).moveTo(xSlot.origin.x,  ySlot.origin.y + ySlot.size.width/2)
                    .lineTo(xSlot.bottomRight().x, ySlot.origin.y + ySlot.size.width/2);