I'm trying to select all elements in the document except for the #private_chat_menu
element and attach a mouseup trigger function to them. However, it runs the function regardless of whether I click a select box inside the #private_chat_menu
element or not. Here is the code:
$("*:not(#private_chat_menu > *)", "body").mouseup(function(e)
var chat_user_container = $('#private_chat_menu');
var chat_container = $('#chat-wrapper');
if (chat_container.css("visibility") == 'visible' && chat_user_container.is(':visible'))
<div id="chat-wrapper">
<div id="private_chat_menu">
<select id="chat_user_select" name="chat_user_select">
<option value="">Select Assigned User</option>
<option value="1">...</option>
<option value="2">...</option>
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/q0ky2f56/
Given your requirement it would perform better (and have simpler logic) if you attached a single event handler to the document
and interrogate the element which raised the event. If it was the #private_chat_menu
, or a child of it, do no work. Something like this:
var $chat_user_container = $('#private_chat_menu');
var $chat_container = $('#chat-wrapper');
$(document).on('mouseup', function(e) {
var $target = $(e.target);
if ($target.is($chat_user_container) || $target.closest($chat_user_container).length)
if ($chat_container.is(':visible') && $chat_user_container.is(':visible')) {