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Symfony3-Doctrine : Order by Case When

I'm working on a Symfony 3.4 project.

I want to order a table by updated_at if exists (not null), by created_at if not.

In SQL, this works :

SELECT * FROM `contract`
  (CASE WHEN ISNULL(`updated_at`) THEN `created_at` ELSE `updated_at` END)

I tried a lot of things but I don't manage to make it work with Doctrine Query Builder.

First, I tried this (syntax error) :

$contracts = $em->createQuery(
    'SELECT c
    FROM AppBundle:Contract c
    ORDER BY (CASE WHEN c.updatedAt = :update THEN c.createdAt ELSE c.updatedAt END) DESC')
->setParameter('update', NULL)

Then, I tried this according to this topic, but I have no result (no error) :

$contracts = $rp->createQueryBuilder('c')
    ->select('(CASE WHEN c.updatedAt != :update THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HIDDEN orderDate')
    ->orderBy('orderDate', 'DESC')
    ->addOrderBy('c.createdAt', 'DESC')
    ->setParameter('update', NULL)

How can I sort my contracts by their updated date if they have been updated, or by their created date if they haven't been modified ?

If it helps, I use the DoctrineExtensions bundle for other queries, I saw IfNull and IfElse classes but I don't how to use them with my case.


  • After several attempts, I finally found the solution.

    Use COALESCE : returns the first value not null in the list, so if A is null and B not null, then COALESCE(A,B) will return B.

    $contracts = $rp->createQueryBuilder('c')
      ->addSelect('COALESCE(c.updatedAt,c.createdAt) AS HIDDEN orderDate')
      ->orderBy('orderDate', 'DESC')

    No need to use the DoctrineExtensions bundle.