I have a model saved after training as pb file, I want to use tensorflow mobile and it's important to work with TFLITE file. The problem is most of the examples I found after googling for converters are command on terminal or cmd. Can you please share with me an example of converting to tflite files using python code?
Following this TF example you can pass "--Saved_model_dir" parameter to export the saved_model.pb and variables folder to some directory (none existing dir) before running retrain.py script:
python retrain.py ...... --saved_model_dir /home/..../export
In order to convert your model to tflite you need to use below line:
Note: you need to import convert_saved_model:
from tensorflow.contrib.lite.python import convert_saved_model
Remember you can convert to tflite in 2 ways:
But the easiest way is to export saved_model.pb with variables in case you want to avoid using builds tools like Bazel.