I have a compass, that returns degrees between 0-360 and a starting position (degrees) of the initial value of the compass, along with a threshold.
degrees = 0-360
initialDegrees = null
threshold = 20
I have this check:
if(degrees > initialDegrees+threshold || initialDegrees == null) { // this is to start the checking
initialDegrees = degrees
for checking if the degrees have changed positively beyond the threshold (i.e. me moving the compass to the right)
However how do i check if it has been moved in the opposite direction (changed negatively beyond the threshold, i.e. me moving the compass to the left).
if(degrees > initialDegrees-thredshold) // this is always true, and doesn't do what i want
Is there a way i can do this? Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to achieve.
What you need is the shortestAngle
function. Some math libraries already have it, but you can write your own. Given 2 angles, you need to find the smallest angle (in absolute value), such that the first angle plus this result equals the second angle:
public static float shortestAngle(float from, float to) {
float difference = to - from; //step 1: do flat difference
difference %= 360; //step 2: do module 360 to normalize to (-360, 360) range
if(difference < 0) {
difference += 360; //step3: normalize to [0, 360) range
if(difference > 180) {
difference -= 360; //step 4: normalize to (-180, 180] range
return difference;
After that you just compare if the shortest angle is greater than threshold, or lower than negative threshold.