Using the Inventor Design Automation API I would like to change several parameters in my model and display these changes in the Forge Viewer (web).
What would be the best solution to achieve this? I was think of saving the to changed model as a new file, upload this file and use the Model Derivative API to generate a SVF. Then somehow get the new URN back to the client and load it in the viewer.
But I feel like there must be a simpler way, plus I'm not too sure about the performance of this solution.
Any suggestions?
The Design Automation APIs are meant to execute self-contained, potentially long-running tasks, or "background jobs".
If you're interested in real-time (or semi-real-time) preview of changes to a parametric model, these APIs are not the best choice I'm afraid. Like you said, in that case you'd need to submit a set (or multiple sets) of parameters, generate one or more output files, run them through the Model Derivative APIs, and wait for the translated outputs using Webhooks APIs.