Good Morning in my timezone
My goal is :
A 10 34 1
A 11 20 2
A 15 17 2
A Total 71 5
B 13 14 1
B 10 24 2
B Total 38 3
I am using Sybase ASE version 15.5 so there is not the ROLLUP or CUBE operators. Is the cursor the only way i got ?
Thanks in advance Best Regards
You may use such a SQL statement with union all
( ordering is important for your aim ):
select q.*
select type, cast(code as char(5)) as code, price, quantity
from tab
union all
select type, 'Total', sum(price), sum(quantity)
from tab
group by type
) q
order by type, code
I'm a adding a Demo in SQL Server but syntax works for both.