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Adding multiple links to share on phonegap app

My requirement is to share three links in a single sharing using socialsharing plugin. In normal syntax provided im able to pass only single url.


            var shareUrl=''
            var options = {
                subject: 'Sample subject',
                message: 'Sample message',
                url: shareUrl

            var onSuccess = function(result) {
                console.debug("Share completed? " + result.completed);
                console.debug("Shared to app: " +; 

            var onError = function(msg) {
                console.debug("Sharing failed with message: " + msg);
            window.plugins.socialsharing.shareWithOptions(options, onSuccess, onError);

Is there any method that i can use to share multiple urls. If its not there, will it be an issue if i share the urls in the message it self?


  • You can add multiple URLs into the message. Just be sure to space them out so that each link can be differentiated.