I'm new to Swift and know almost nothing about threads, operations, queues, etc. And I have for example initial page in my app, where I use 3 alamofire requests like so:
request1 => request2
=> segue to the next view
It means, that requests 1
and 2
are serial, but 3
can be parallel, and segue only when ALL requests are done and handled.
I've tried OperationsQueue
and at least it was faster =) but at Xcode's console I see that some code inside both Alamofire's success case's are done after segue was perform.
So what is the best practice to combine up to 5 Alamofire without make them nested?
Or how correct handle async functions with OperationQueue
DispatchGroup can sometimes cause problems like deadlock. You can use completion block. Completion block funcs are async functions.
func 1(completion:@escaping () -> ()) {
func 2(completion:@escaping () -> ()) {
func 3(completion:@escaping () -> ()) {
//You dont never know when func1 is finished. So you have to write nested functions.
//In this situation func2 waits func1. And func3 wait for func1 and func2.
//You can write the func3 at the top. This is you choice.