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How to create and use my own structure/signature in SML/NJ?

I'm new to functional programming and I want to create my own structure/signature called Dictionary. So far I have this in file called dictionary-en.sml:

(* The signature DICTIONARY defines a type and a programming interface for
   the dictionary data structure. The data structure allows us to store
   data in the form of (key, value) pairs and to query the data using a key. *)
signature DICTIONARY =

    (* The structure has to implement a dictionary type. It defines key type,
       which has to support equality checking, and a value type for the data
       stored in the dictionary. *)
    type (''key, 'value) dict

    (* Creates an empty dictionary. *)
    val empty: (''key, 'value) dict

    (* Returns true if a key exists in the dictionary. *)
    val exists: (''key, 'value) dict -> ''key -> bool


And I have this in file solution.sml:

structure Dictionary :> DICTIONARY =
    type (''key, 'value) dict = (''key * 'value) list

    val empty = []

    fun exists dict key =
        case dict of
            [] => false
          | (k, _ )::rep => if k = key
                            then true
                            else exists rep key

But I don't how to use this. When I wrote in REPL:

- Dictionary.exists [(3,"c"), (5, "e"), (7, "g")] 3;

I got this error:

stdIn:1.2-3.7 Error: operator and operand do not agree [tycon mismatch]
  operator domain: (''Z,'Y) Dictionary.dict
  operand:         ([int ty] * string) list
  in expression:
    Dictionary.exists ((3,"c") :: (5,"e") :: (<exp>,<exp>) :: nil)

Can someone please help me? I don't know what I did wrong.


  • In the function

    fun exists dict key =
        case dict of
            [] => []
          | (k, _ )::rep => if k = key
                            then true
                            else exists rep key

    I spot two issues:

    • You can't return [] in one place and true in another.
    • Instead of if P then true else Q, write P orelse Q.

    You're using :> which means that the module is opaque, so you can only access the things specified in the signature. The internal list representation is not mentioned in the signature, so you can't refer to a dict as a list, even though you may know that that's how it's implemented. This is a feature.

    I would probably call exists for member, since List.exists is a higher-order predicate, e.g. List.exists (fn x => x > 5) [3, 6, 9]. You could also deviate from any standard library naming and say containsKey and containsValue, or something like that.

    Besides the insert function that molbdnilo suggested, you may like to have a fromList function.

    Here's a refactored version (comments omitted for brevity, but I think your comments are good!):

    signature DICTIONARY =
        type (''key, 'value) dict
        val empty: (''key, 'value) dict
        val member: ''key -> (''key, 'value) dict -> bool
        val insert: (''key * 'value) -> (''key, 'value) dict -> (''key, 'value) dict
        val fromList: (''key * 'value) list -> (''key, 'value) dict
    structure Dictionary :> DICTIONARY =
        type (''key, 'value) dict = (''key * 'value) list
        val empty = []
        fun member key [] = false
          | member key ((key2, _)::dict) =
              key = key2 orelse member key dict
        fun insert (key, value) [] = [(key, value)]
          | insert (key, value) ((key2, value2)::dict) =
              if key = key2
              then (key, value) :: dict
              else (key2, value2) :: insert (key, value) dict
        fun fromList pairs = foldl (fn (pair, dict) => insert pair dict) empty pairs

    But since you're building a dictionary module, there are two things you want to consider:

    1. Make it possible to use some kind of binary tree as internal representation, requiring that the keys can be ordered rather than compared for equality.
    2. Since Standard ML doesn't have special syntax like ''key to express that something can be ordered (Haskell generalises this as type classes, but Standard ML has only the special syntax ''key), this is a good case for using functors, which is the name given to higher-order modules, aka parameterised modules.

    Here's an example signature, functor and structure that you can fill out:

    signature ORD = sig
      type t
      val compare : t * t -> order
    signature DICT = sig
      type key
      type 'value dict
      val empty: 'value dict
      val member: key -> 'value dict -> bool
      val insert: key * 'value -> 'value dict -> 'value dict
      val fromList: (key * 'value) list -> 'value dict
    functor Dict (Ord : ORD) :> DICT = struct
      type key = Ord.t
      type 'value dict = (key * 'value) list
      val empty = ...
      fun member _ _ = raise Fail "not implemented"
      fun insert _ _ = raise Fail "not implemented"
      fun fromList _ = raise Fail "not implemented"

    At this point you can change type 'value dict into using a binary tree, and when you need to decide whether to go left or right in this binary tree, you can write:

    case (key1, key2) of
         LESS => ...
       | EQUAL => ...
       | GREATER => ...

    And when you need a dictionary where the key is some particular orderable type, you can create a module using this functor:

    structure IntDict = Dict(struct
                               type t = int
                               val compare =
    structure StringDict = Dict(struct
                                  type t = string
                                  val compare =

    See also Standard ML functor examples for more examples.