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Streaming large result sets from an RDS postgres read replica and sqlalchemy terminates prematurely

I'm trying to run a large query using SQLAlchemy with the following code on a Postgres 9.4 RDS server set up as a read replica.

    # self.sa_engine is a SQLAlchemy engine
    with self.sa_engine.connect() as conn:
        conn = conn.execution_options(stream_results=True)

        # pd = pandas
        # self.sql = "select * from mylargetable"
        for chunk in  pd.read_sql(self.sql, conn, chunksize=50000):
            # do stuff, write file, etc....

The problem is that I get the following error after about 30-60 seconds. During this time, files are being written as expected.

TransactionRollbackError: terminating connection due to conflict with recovery
DETAIL:  User query might have needed to see row versions that must be removed.

Everything I've googled says to set the following parameters on the read replica in RDS:


With these parameters set, I would expect to get the above error only if the query ran for longer than 10 minutes, but I'm getting it after 30-60 seconds.

Additionally, my understanding of this issue is that it would only occur if the table in the master database was being modified while the query on the replica is running. However, this table hasn't been updated in months.

All of this works when I run it against the master database (which I can't do in production) and when I run it against smaller tables on the read replica.

I'm totally stumped and would appreciate any help.


  • Right after asking this question I searched for parameters that were set to 30 seconds by default and found the solution. There's one more parameter I had to adjust:


    Setting that did the trick!