I love the blurry frost effect using a BackdropFilter (see this).
However, because the BackdropFilter has Opacity and because the widget I'm blurring also has Opacity, the performance is horrendous. This is also because I redraw my widgets a few times a second, but that shouldn't be an issue given Flutter can go 60fps?
I turned on checkerboardOffscreenLayers and see checkerboards for miles. :O
The checkerboards happen due to blurScreen
, not due to widgetToBlur
but widgetToBlur
does slow down performance probably because (in my real code, not this example) it's calling setState() multiple times a second.
Is there a more performant way to make blurs/opacities? The link above says to apply opacity to widgets individually. I can't do that with the blur though (blurScreen
below), because the BackdropFilter has to be stacked on top of my widget-that-does-the-redrawing.
I removed the blur effect and my performance is way better (no checkerboards, app doesn't crash).
build() code in question:
final widgetToBlur = Container(
child: Opacity(
opacity: 0.3,
// In my actual code, this is a Stateful widget.
child: Text('Spooky blurry semi-transparent text!'),
final blurScreen = BackdropFilter(
filter: ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 3.0, sigmaY: 3.0),
child: Container(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: _backgroundColor.withOpacity(0.3),
return Container(
child: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
Text('This is in front of the blurred background'),
I ended up drawing the widgetToBlur once, blurred, with opacity, using Paint and Canvas.
This means it only runs the blur and opacity operations once, in initState()
, and never has to be re-rendered-with-blur throughout the lifecycle of the widget.
If anyone else ends up stuck with this, you can leave a comment and I can help out more.