A few days ago, version 2.1
of the AWS Java SDK was officially released. One of the main selling points is how it handles asynchronous calls vs the previous version of the SDK.
I decided to run some experiments using Scala and the new SDK and had a bit of a hard time trying to come up with an idiomatic way to deal with the Futures returned by the SDK.
Is there a way I can do this better, more sucinctly, and with less boilerplate code?
Deal with AWS SDK for Java V2 using Scala and be able to handle success and failures in an idiomatic way.
Create an Async SNS Client and submit messages 500 asynchronously:
Returned by the SDK (0 until 500).map { i =>
val future = client.publish(PublishRequest.builder().topicArn(arn).message(messageJava + i.toString).build())
future.whenComplete((response, ex) => {
val responseOption = Option(response) // Response can be null
responseOption match {
case Some(r) => println(r.messageId())
case None => println(s"There was an error ${ex.getMessage}")
}.foreach(future => future.join())
Here, I create a unique request and publish it. The whenComplete
function turns the response into an option as this value can be null. This is ugly because the means of dealing with success/failure are bound on checking for null in the response.
(0 until 500).map { i =>
val jf = client.publish(PublishRequest.builder().topicArn(arn).message(messageScala + i.toString).build())
val sf: Future[PublishResponse] = Future { jf.get }
sf.onComplete {
case Success(response) => print(response.messageId)
case Failure(ex) => println(s"There was an error ${ex.getMessage}")
}.foreach(Await.result(_, 5000.millis))
Here I use the .get()
method on the CompletableFuture
that way I can just deal with the Scala Future.
Scala - Java8 - Compat
library convert the CompletableFuture
to a Future
(0 until 500).map { i =>
val f = client.publish(PublishRequest.builder().topicArn(arn).message(messageScala + i.toString).build()).toScala
f.onComplete {
case Success(response) =>
case Failure(exception) => println(exception.getMessage)
}.foreach(Await.result(_, 5000.millis))
This is by far my favorite implementation, except that I need to use a thrid party experimental library.
being a tiny bit faster than the others. You have mentioned that you are happy with converting completablefuture to scala.future, just that you do not like to take a dependency on scala-java8-compat.
In this case, you can simply roll your own, and you only want java8 to scala:
object CompletableFutureOps {
implicit class CompletableFutureToScala[T](cf: CompletableFuture[T]) {
def asScala: Future[T] = {
val p = Promise[T]()
cf.whenCompleteAsync{ (result, ex) =>
if (result == null) p failure ex
else p success result
def showByExample: Unit = {
import CompletableFutureOps._
(0 until 500).map { i =>
val f = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() => i).asScala
f.onComplete {
case Success(response) => println("Success: " + response)
case Failure(exception) => println(exception.getMessage)
}.foreach(Await.result(_, 5000.millis))