My dataset looks like following, and I Would like to add one column which can convert my last column i.e Day_of_The_week to Mon, Tue, Wed. Note: Day_of_the_week include 5 days : Mon,Tue,Wed,Thurs,Fri. I checked link but couldn't figure out how to implement in my dataframe
I would like to convert my pandas dataframe as below:
Being a newbie to python,if you could provide explanation, that will be great!
You can construct a dictionary and then map your integer series to a list of day strings:
import pandas as pd
from calendar import day_name
from collections import deque
df = pd.DataFrame({'Day_of_the_week': [2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]})
days = deque(day_name)
days.rotate(df['Day_of_the_week'].iat[0]) # rotate days
days_map = dict(enumerate(days)) # construct dictionary
df['Day_Factor'] = df['Day_of_the_week'].map(days_map)
Day_of_the_week Day_Factor
0 2 Monday
1 3 Tuesday
2 4 Wednesday
3 4 Wednesday
4 5 Thursday
5 6 Friday
6 6 Friday