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Python: Splitting two linked columns into new rows

I have the following dataframe:

N1   FF1; FF2                PP1; PP2
N2   FF3                     PP3
N3   FF4; FF5; FF6           PP4; PP5; PP6

Columns FF & PP have the following relation, every FF is linked to PP with the same number, i.e. FF1 is linked to PP1 and so forth.

The output that I need is as follows:

N1 FF1 PP1
N1 FF2 PP2
N2 FF3 PP3
N3 FF4 PP4
N3 FF5 PP5
N3 FF6 PP6

So far I have tried the following:

df_copy = df["F","P"].str.split(";").apply(Series,1).stack()

However I receive a KeyError and am puzzled on how to proceed...

Very new to programming, I'd highly appreciate some guidance.



  • With Pandas / NumPy, you should use vectorised methods where possible. apply + pd.Series is an inefficient, Python-level loop.

    For example, using itertools.chain and np.repeat:

    from itertools import chain
    df = pd.DataFrame([['N1', 'FF1; FF2', 'PP1; PP2'],
                       ['N2', 'FF3', 'PP3'],
                       ['N3', 'FF4; FF5; FF6', 'PP4; PP5; PP6']])
    split1, split2 = df[1].str.split('; '), df[2].str.split('; ')
    n = split1.str.len()
    res = pd.DataFrame({0: df[0].values.repeat(n.values),
                        1: list(chain.from_iterable(split1)),
                        2: list(chain.from_iterable(split2))})
        0    1    2
    0  N1  FF1  PP1
    1  N1  FF2  PP2
    2  N2  FF3  PP3
    3  N3  FF4  PP4
    4  N3  FF5  PP5
    5  N3  FF6  PP6