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Getch() not reading input

I tried using getch() and kbhit() to read user's input but it doesn't seem to recognise that a key was pressed.

void main(){
    while (1){
        if (kbhit() == 1){
            int k = getch();
            printf("k: %d\n", k);

This code prints "start" and doesn't print anything when a key is pressed. I had no luck using getch() to read and print even one character, without the loop.


  • The posted code does not compile!

    There are only 2 valid signatures for main(), regardless of what visual studio might allow:

    int main( void )
    int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

    Notice they both return a int, not a void

    the posted code is missing the necessary #include statements

    when asking a run time question, as this question is doing, post a [mcve] so we can recreate the problem.

    the function: kbhit() returns a non-zero value (not necessarily 1) when a key is pressed.


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>  // note: this is a nonstandard header
                        // in Windows, so it is not portable
    int main( void )
        while (1)
            if ( kbhit() )
                printf( "in\n" );
                int k = getch();
                printf( "k: %d\n", k );