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Lazy initialization of std::tuple elements

I often use std::aligned_storage to specify an uninitialized class member. The typical example is an static_vector, which stores its elements within the structure.

However, I'm not completely sure what I should do when I want a std::tuple to be created step by step, initializing its members in an unspecified order at different points in time.

Would it be legal to create

std::tuple< std::aligned_storage<sizeof(Types),alignof(Types)>::type...>

and then reinterpret member reference as a std::tuple<Types...>&?

For example:

#include <bitset>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

template < class... Ts >
class uninitialized_tuple {
        using tuple_type   = typename std::tuple<Ts...>;
        using buffer_type =
                typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(Ts),alignof(Ts)>::type...

        ~uninitialized_tuple() {

        tuple_type& as_tuple() {

        bool valid() const {
            return _is_set.all();

        template < size_t index, class... Args >
        void emplace( Args&&... args ) {
            using element_type = typename std::tuple_element<index,tuple_type>::type;
            new (&std::get<index>(_storage)) element_type( std::forward<Args>(args)...);

        template < size_t index >
        void erase() {
            using element_type = typename std::tuple_element<index,tuple_type>::type;
            if( _is_set[index] ) {

        template < class Seq >
        struct destruct_helper {
            static void erase( uninitialized_tuple& ) {}

        template < size_t index, size_t... indices >
        struct destruct_helper<std::index_sequence<index,indices...>> {
            static void erase( uninitialized_tuple& value ) {

        buffer_type                _storage;
        std::bitset<sizeof...(Ts)> _is_set;


  • Accessing whatever is returned by as_tuple() is undefined behavior as it breaks the type aliasing rules. Please refer to

    Whenever an attempt is made to read or modify the stored value of an object of type DynamicType through a glvalue of type AliasedType, the behavior is undefined unless one of the following is true:

    • AliasedType and DynamicType are similar.

    • AliasedType is the (possibly cv-qualified) signed or unsigned variant of DynamicType.

    • AliasedType is std::byte, (since C++17)char, or unsigned char: this permits examination of the object representation of any object as an array of bytes.