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The given artifact contains a string literal with a package reference '' that cannot be safely rewritten. for androidx

I upgraded my android studio to 3.4 canary and now I cannot successfully build anymore due to the following error:

The given artifact contains a string literal with a package reference '' that cannot be safely rewritten. Libraries using reflection such as annotation processors need to be updated manually to add support for androidx.

More details:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to transform '.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.jakewharton/butterknife-compiler/9.0.0-SNAPSHOT/732f93940c74cf32a7c5ddcc5ef66e53be052352/butterknife-compiler-9.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' using Jetifier. Reason: The given artifact contains a string literal with a package reference '' that cannot be safely rewritten. Libraries using reflection such as annotation processors need to be updated manually to add support for androidx.. (Run with --stacktrace for more details.)

Clearly, its something to do with Butterknife, androidx and Jetifier

Do anybody know how to fix this?


  • New correct answer:

    Butterknife 10.0.0 added support for AndroidX.

    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:10.0.0'
        annotationProcessor 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:10.0.0'

    Old answer for Butterknife < 10.0.0:

    Try blacklisting butterknife from the jetifier: file:
    android.jetifier.blacklist = butterknife.*\\.jar

    You need to be on the 3.3.0-rc1 of the AGP and the 1.3.0 version of the Kotlin Gradle plugin:

    buildscript {
        repositories {
        dependencies {
            classpath ''
            classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.3.0"
            classpath 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-gradle-plugin:9.0.0-rc2'