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How to verify the returned JSON response is in sorting order?

I have an API to fetch the list of employee Name's in an organization and it supports order by clause. I invoked an API "get /employeeName?$ordeyby=name desc". I got the results like below,


I have parsed each name and stored into a variable of string type.

How can I verify using JAVA Script/BeanShell/Groovy, that the returned response is in descending order?

Can anyone please help here. Any of the above-mentioned languages is fine and I want this needs to be implemented in JMeter.

Thanks in advance.


    1. Add JSR223 Assertion as a child of the request which returns the above JSON
    2. Put the following code into "Script" area:

      def expected =, '$').sort().reverse()
      new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData()).value.eachWithIndex { def entry, int i ->
          if (! {
              AssertionResult.setFailureMessage('Order mismatch, expected: ' + expected.get(i) + ', got: ' +
    3. That's it, in case of expected alphabetical descending order the sampler will be successful, otherwise you will get an error message indicating which name is expected and what is the actual one

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