Greetings fellow Droidheads and the like. I am working on a Live Wallpaper project that's getting more complex. I am curious: has anyone figured out a way to use Android's View Animation package ( from within live wallpaper? It doesn't seem obvious to me that this is possible, in that it is a service rather than an activity, and you are given a surfaceholder to lockdown to get a canvas on which to draw--no way to setContentView, etc. The tween package seems to depend on views (i.e. the animation gets associated with the view itself, not the canvas, bitmap, etc.). Any thoughts? Thanks in advance. George
Endeavoring to answer my own question... No, I do not think this is possible. I have tried hard, with no success, and I have reviewed many examples of other people's code, and never seen anyone take this approach. What's more, even if it worked, I now think it wouldn't be a good idea: it's better for live wallpapers to take responsibility for their own drawing, to precisely control timing issues, &c. George