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Duplicated status line in MacVim

I am using vim-airline in MacVim. My status line looks OK, but I noticed the original status line in Vim is still there:


I am wondering how can I remove this line and only keep the vim-airline status bar?



  • There's only one statusline in your screenshot: the dark bar that is styled by the vim-airline plugin. The message below it is echoed into the command-line; it gets overwritten when you enter command-line mode via :. You've just :written the current file, so you see it mentioned both in the statusline (as the current buffer) and in the command-line (with additional information of how much data was written).

    • :help 'laststatus' can make the statusline disappear, with an option value of 1 it will only appear when you have more than one window open.
    • To avoid the message, you can prepend the command (e.g. :w) with :silent.
    • The message contents (and details) can be tweaked via :help 'shortmess'.
    • For completeness, if you want more messages (rather than less), you can increase the height of the command-line via :help 'cmdheight'.