I have components called demo
, demo component have 3 input fields and an button.Like this:
After clicking button(i,e submit) i am navigating to another component called home
.This scenario is working fine for me, But i have added some validation for first/last-name and email.
If the user enters all the required input fields then only it as to navigate to another component (i,e home).But it is navigating without entering/validating the required input fields.
While surfing i got some examples:
But these are for template-driven forms
. I am using reactive forms.
Here is the Stakcblitz DEMO.
make the button disabled since the form is valid
<button mat-raised-button type="submit" color="primary" [disabled]="!addForm.valid" (click)="onaddCustomer()">Submit</button>
and navigate in the click function
with out using [disabled]
check whether form valid or not in your click function
<button mat-raised-button type="submit" color="primary" (click)="onaddCustomer()">Submit</button>
and in click function