I'm wondering if it is possible to enumerate over the alphabet from 'a' to 'zzz'?
For example I have a cave system that contains a maximum of 1000 caves and I would like to assign a char
value to each of them.
1 = a, 2 = b, 3 = c ... 27 = aa etc
What would be the best way to go about doing this if it is possible?
void Main()
foreach (string word in EnumerateCaveNames())
IEnumerable<string> EnumerateCaveNames()
for (int i = 0; i < 26 * 26 * 26; ++i)
yield return BuildCaveName(i);
string BuildCaveName(int caveNum)
string name = (GetLetterFromNumber(caveNum / (26 * 26)) + GetLetterFromNumber((caveNum / 26) % 26) + GetLetterFromNumber(caveNum % 26)).TrimStart('a');
if (name == "")
name = "a";
return name;
string GetLetterFromNumber(int num)
return "" + (char)('a' + num);