I need to combine two select box values in R shiny. Select box 1 have year, select box 2 have month.
If user select 2018 and 06, I should get 2018-06 into a variable.
I tried paste(input$year,input$month,sep="-")
But it is not working.
This should do, note that I changed from reative
to reactiveValues
as I think this should be more intutive for you where you can use the v$value
which will contain what you want. I suggest you have a read over https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/reactivity-overview.html so you have a better grasp of what is happening
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("year","year",choices = c(2017,2018),selected = 1),
selectInput("month","month",choices = c(1:12),selected = 1)
server <- function( session,input, output) {
v <- reactiveValues(value=NULL)
year <- input$year
month <- input$month
month <- paste0("0",month)
v$value <- paste(year,month,sep="-")
output$value <- renderText({
shinyApp(ui, server)