I have miniconda
Using conda, I tried to install opencv3.3.
Then other libraries are also removed or upgraded.
I have problem with other libraries for my application.
Why conda doesn't install opencv only and trying to make changes to others.
The issue is shown below.
When I install opencv, the scikit-learn will be removed. How to make so that only opencv is installed and others are not affected.
(openface) nyan@nyan-Inspiron-7537:~/openface$ conda install opencv==3.3
Solving environment: done
## Package Plan ##
environment location: /home/nyan/miniconda3/envs/openface
added / updated specs:
- opencv==3.3
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
opencv: 3.3.0-py27_blas_openblas_204 conda-forge [blas_openblas]
The following packages will be REMOVED:
scikit-learn: 0.17.1-np111py27_blas_openblas_202 conda-forge [blas_openblas]
The following packages will be UPDATED:
boost: 1.61.0-py27_1 conda-forge --> 1.68.0-py27h3e44d54_1 conda-forge
boost-cpp: 1.63.0-1 conda-forge --> 1.68.0-h3a22d5f_0 conda-forge
cairo: 1.14.6-0 conda-forge --> 1.14.10-0 conda-forge
dlib: 19.0-np111py27_blas_openblas_200 conda-forge [blas_openblas] --> 19.10-py27_blas_openblas_200 conda-forge [blas_openblas]
fontconfig: 2.11.1-6 conda-forge --> 2.12.6-0 conda-forge
freetype: 2.6.3-1 conda-forge --> 2.8.1-hfa320df_1 conda-forge
harfbuzz: 1.0.6-1 conda-forge --> 1.7.6-0 conda-forge
icu: 56.1-4 conda-forge --> 58.2-hfc679d8_0 conda-forge
libxml2: 2.9.4-3 conda-forge --> 2.9.8-h422b904_5 conda-forge
matplotlib: 2.0.0-np111py27_1 conda-forge --> 2.2.2-py27_1 conda-forge
openblas: 0.2.18-6 conda-forge --> 0.2.20-8 conda-forge
pango: 1.40.1-0 conda-forge --> 1.40.14-0 conda-forge
pillow: 4.0.0-py27_1 conda-forge --> 5.2.0-py27h2dc6135_1 conda-forge
pyqt: 4.11.4-py27_3 conda-forge --> 5.6.0-py27h8210e8a_7 conda-forge
python: 2.7.11-0 --> 2.7.14-h1571d57_29
qt: 4.8.7-3 conda-forge --> 5.6.2-7 conda-forge
readline: 6.2-2 --> 7.0-haf1bffa_1 conda-forge
scipy: 0.18.1-np111py27_blas_openblas_200 conda-forge [blas_openblas] --> 1.1.0-py27_blas_openblash7943236_201 conda-forge [blas_openblas]
sqlite: 3.13.0-1 conda-forge --> 3.20.1-0 conda-forge
tk: 8.5.19-2 conda-forge --> 8.6.9-ha92aebf_0 conda-forge
Proceed ([y]/n)? n
CondaSystemExit: Exiting.
When you install a packe with conda then it tries to install and update the dependencies of the required package. I am not sure why it wants to remove the scikit but I think it's related to an update cascade. For example opencv has a dependency which requires an update from an another package but and this package is the dependency of scikit but with this update conda thinks scikit will work no more and that can be a reason for the removal of scikit. Possible solution can be to use the --no-update-deps option with the install command:
conda install opencv==3.3 --no-update-deps
If your conda version doesn't have this option the check the available options with
conda install --help
and select the correct one which disables the dependency updates.