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How to compare XML response with Json in Karate

I need to match and validate my JSON response with that of downstream XML response. Here are sample responses for both.

Note that Json response parameters are is not in-order with XML response.


"Main": {
    "Cd": "ABC",
    "descriptionTxt": "Sample Main",
    "type": "A",
    "codeType": "P",
    "dt": "2018-10-15T00:00:00-05:00",
    "validity": "3",
    "segment": "Personal"
  "testList": [
      "code": "123",
      "descriptionTxt": "My Description",
      "categoryCd": "DUDU"
      "code": "675",
      "descriptionTxt": "His Description"
      "code": "345",
      "descriptionTxt": "Your Description",
      "categoryCd": "BH"


<ns4:code>ABC </ns4:code>
    <ns5:description>Sample Main</ns5:description>
    <ns5:validity>3</ns5:validity >
    <ns5:Segment>PERSONAL  </ns5:Segment>
    <ns5:unwanted>Unwanted XML Parameter</ns5:unwanted>

      <ns5:code>123   </ns5:code>
      <ns5:description>My Description</ns5:description>
      <ns5:unwanted>Unwanted XML Parameter</ns5:unwanted>

      <ns5:code>345   </ns5:code>
      <ns5:description>Your Description</ns5:description>

      <ns5:code>675  </ns5:code>
      <ns5:description>His Description</ns5:description>
      <ns5:unwanted>Unwanted XML Parameter</ns5:unwanted>


  • It would have been nice if you took the time to post well-formed JSON and XML, but anyway. I'm focusing on the hard problem here, which is to map repeated XML elements to JSON, if you paste the below into a Scenario you can see it work:

    * def json = 
       "Main": {
          "descriptionTxt":"Sample Main",
             "descriptionTxt":"My Description",
             "descriptionTxt":"His Description"
             "descriptionTxt":"Your Description",
    * def xml = 
    <ns4:root xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="">
          <ns5:description>My Description</ns5:description>
          <ns5:unwanted>Unwanted XML Parameter</ns5:unwanted>
          <ns5:description>Your Description</ns5:description>
          <ns5:description>His Description</ns5:description>
          <ns5:unwanted>Unwanted XML Parameter</ns5:unwanted>
    * def list = $xml/root/Test
    * def xpath = function(x, p){ try { return karate.xmlPath(x, p) } catch (e) { return '#notpresent' } }
    * def fun = function(x){ return { code: xpath(x, '/Test/code'), descriptionTxt: xpath(x, '/Test/description'), categoryCd: xpath(x, '/Test/categoryCode') } }
    * def temp =, fun)
    * print temp
    * print json.testList
    * match json.testList contains temp

    Mapping the rest of the JSON is an exercise for you. Please refer to the docs. Also see this answer for more ideas: Karate - Match two dynamic responses

    Also refer: