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How to apply IIFE in ReactJS + Typescript?

I would like to use IIFE in ReactJS + Typescript environment. So i rewrite this code with ReactJS + Typescript


(function() { 
        this.Radio = function(){ 

            var defaults = { 
                locale: "en-US", 


        // Public Methods   
        Radio.prototype.load = function() { 


ReactJS + Typescript

    export default class Radio{
    options: any = { 
        locale: "en-US", 

    constructor(props: any) {
        var defaults = { 
            locale: "en-US", 


    // Public Methods   
    load = () => { 

What i try to achieve is when the bundle.js load from html page i'm able to instantiate by passing some value in like below

<script src="main.js"></script>

    <div id="app"></div>


    $(function() {
        var test = new Radio({   <----error on this line         
            locale: "en-US",            

But when i run above code i got this error Uncaught ReferenceError: Radio is not defined

Is that possible to implement IIFE like above?



  • But when i run above code i got this error Uncaught ReferenceError: Radio is not defined

    If you want this old code to still work you need to put Radio on this just like old times. E.g.

     export default class Radio{
        options: any = { 
            locale: "en-US", 
        constructor(props: any) {
            var defaults = { 
                locale: "en-US", 
        // Public Methods   
        load = () => { 
    // ADD
    (window as any).Radio = Radio;