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Debug Angular 7 application in Firefox via Visual Studio Community 2017

I've been looking for an instruction for setting up the vs code debugger in firefox so I can debug the breakpoints of my typescript code.

Unfortunately the first page of google only returns me Instructions yet for Visual Studio Code, but I am looking for instuctions regarding Visual Studio Community 2017?

I've also stumbled upon a Plugin over at:

But I got confused by the Plugin Description, since it points me to a VSCode file which doesn't seem to exist in my Visual Studio Community 2017:

To configure these modes you must create a file .vscode/launch.json in the root directory of your project.

Does that mean I need to use launchSettings.json from my project? And if so, how will the configuration look like?

I am sure that I'm wrong here but how would I place it?

  "iisSettings": {
  "profiles": {
    "Debug with Firefox" : { // ????? How do i set up this Profile?
      "name": "Launch index.html",
      "type": "firefox",
      "request": "launch",
      "reAttach": true,
      "file": "${workspaceFolder}/index.html"

Any knowledge on this would be highly appreciated!

Kind Regards


  • Does that mean i need to use launchSettings.json from my project? And if so, how will the configuration look like?

    No, this extension is for Visual Studio Code, not Visual Studio. So you could not use it for Visual Studio.

    Debugger for Firefox:

    A Visual Studio Code extension to debug your web application or browser extension in Firefox.

    Besides, The old Visual Studio debugger allowed to debug both backend .NET code and client-side JavaScript running in the browser, but only IE browser was supported in the old VS versions like the VS2015.

    You can debug your Angular 7 application in Chrome from inside Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio team Provide integrated JavaScript debugging in Google Chrome browsers, but for Firefox support, we have to open a new thread on the user voice:

    Provide integrated JavaScript debugging in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers

    When there are enough communities vote and add comments for this feedback, the product team member will take this feedback seriously.

    At this moment, you can use Google Chrome to debug your Angular 7 application.

    Hope this helps.