I'm working on a parser for sudoers file into a format that is easier to read for the program I'm working on. I'm a beginner with Python and don't have enough experience to do what I need.
So far I have the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import operator
import os
import sys
import re
import json
example_file = "./Sudoers_example.txt"
column1 = []
column2 = []
column3 = []
with open(example_file) as f:
for line in f:
#result.append(re.split(r'\s+', line)[0:3])
column1.append(re.split(r'\s+', line)[0])
column2.append(re.split(r'\s+', line)[1])
column3.append(re.split(r'\s+', line)[2])
mergedDict = {'op':column1, 'runas':column2, 'cmds':column3}
print(json.dumps(mergedDict, indent=4, sort_keys=False))
except Exception as ee:
This doesn't produce what I want. It is a work in progress.
Nonetheless, what I want to see is the following:
"hostname": "host.moo.com",
"sudoers": [
"op": "operator1",
"runas": "ALL=(ALL)",
"cmds": "ALL"
"op": "operator2",
"runas": "ALL=(ALL)",
"cmds": "ALL"
I'm not sure what the next step is. How should I proceed?
Edit, the example files looks like this (as per request):
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
%group1 ALL=(ALL) ALL
operator1 ALL=(ALL) ALL
operator2 ALL=(ALL) ALL
%systems ALL=(ALL) ALL
You don't need to use re
here, simply read each line from file and split
import json
js = {"hostname": "test", "sudoers":[]} # create json structure first
with open("/home/sufiyan/a") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split() # split on every space character
js["sudoers"].append({"op": line[0], "runas": line[1], "cmds": line[2]})
# output,
"sudoers": [
"runas": "ALL=(ALL)",
"cmds": "ALL",
"op": "root"
"runas": "ALL=(ALL)",
"cmds": "ALL",
"op": "%group1"
"runas": "ALL=(ALL)",
"cmds": "ALL",
"op": "operator1"
"runas": "ALL=(ALL)",
"cmds": "ALL",
"op": "operator2"
"runas": "ALL=(ALL)",
"cmds": "ALL",
"op": "%systems"
"hostname": "test"