I have some issues in understanding how repo works, specifically how to switch between branches.
I did
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest
and then
repo sync
Based on my understanding my repo branch should be on master, but when I run
repo branch
the output is no branches
I want to know how can I switch between branches. Should I run
repo init
and repo sync
every time I want to switch branch (repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-4.0.1_r1
) or is there any similarity with git flow (git checkout <branch>
). How can I create new local branch for developing?
Thanks for help.
repo doesn't use branches the same way git does. With repo, you are not on a branch until you start a unit of work with the "repo start" command. repo start puts you on a dev branch based on the head of the branch you specified with the -b option in your repo init command. Once you're done with a local dev branch and you either repo prune it or repo abandon it, you go back to a no branch state (or it can also say you are detached, it means the same thing).