I am trying to find the best OOBB hitboxes for my meshes using PCA. In order to do this, I need the eigenvectors but I am kind of lost how to compute them without using a huge library.
I implemented an algorithm that computes three eigenvalues given a 3x3 Matrix. The code for this originally is from Wikipedia:
private Vector3 CalculateEigenvalues(ref Matrix3 A)
Vector3 val = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
float p1 = A.M12 * A.M12 + A.M13 * A.M13 + A.M23 * A.M23;
if (p1 == 0)
val.X = A.M11;
val.Y = A.M22;
val.Z = A.M33;
float q = A.Trace / 3f;
float p2 = (float)(Math.Pow(A.M11 - q, 2) + Math.Pow(A.M22 - q, 2) + Math.Pow(A.M33 - q, 2)) + 2 * p1;
float p = (float)Math.Sqrt(p2 / 6);
Matrix4 I = Matrix4.Identity;
Matrix4.Mult(ref I, q, out Matrix4 tmp);
Matrix4 tmp2 = Matrix4.Subtract(new Matrix4(A), tmp);
Matrix4 B = Matrix4.Mult(tmp2, 1 / p);
float r = new Matrix3(B).Determinant / 2;
float phi = 0;
if (r <= -1)
phi = (float)Math.PI / 3;
else if (r >= 1)
phi = 0;
phi = (float)Math.Acos(r) / 3;
val.X = q + 2 * p * (float)Math.Cos(phi);
val.Z = q + 2 * p * (float)Math.Cos(phi + (2 * Math.PI / 3));
val.Y = 3 * q - val.X - val.Z;
return val;
However, the Wikipedia article has no code for calculating the eigenvectors for the three eigenvalues. I tried to understand this topic, but my math skills are quite limited. I would have to google every second word in every tutorial.
So my question is:
If I have the 3x3 matrix and three eigenvalues, is there any simple way to compute the corresponding eigenvectors without using external libraries?
Absolutely simple implementation for the case when all eigenvalues have the same algebraic and geometric multiplicities (which is the case with rotation matrices) is like this:
// Observe that the function doesn't use rZ,
// it is expected that it will become zero vector in triangular form
static Vector3 EigenVector(Vector3 rX, Vector3 rY, Vector3 rZ, float lambda)
// Move RHS to LHS
rX.X -= lambda;
rY.Y -= lambda;
// Transform to upper triangle
rY -= rX * (rY.X / rX.X);
// Backsubstitute
var res = new Vector3(1f);
res.Y = -rY.Z / rY.Y;
res.X = -(rX.Y * res.Y + rX.Z * res.Z) / rX.X;
return res;
// Case of eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicity two
static (Vector3, Vector3) EigenVector2(Vector3 rX, Vector3 rY, Vector3 rZ, float lambda)
// Move RHS to LHS
rX.X -= lambda;
float x2 = rX.Y / rX.X;
float x3 = rX.Z / rX.X;
return (new Vector3(x2, 1, 0), new Vector3(x3, 0, 1));
static void Main(string[] args)
var rX = new Vector3(1, -3, 3);
var rY = new Vector3(3, -5, 3);
var rZ = new Vector3(6, -6, 4);
var e = EigenVector(rX, rY, rZ, 4);
var e2 = EigenVector2(rX, rY, rZ, 2);
<0,5 0,5 1>
<3 1 0>
<-3 0 1>
In real life, one needs to make a lot of error checking. Input data is taken from this paper.