I am using Docker toolbox, the image is: cloudera/quickstart.
Due to my computer, the docker run on 4GB memory and 2 cpu.
when i create new container the hue and hive works well, but when i use the container again (after exit) i get many problems in the hue therefore the hive is not working.
for example one of the errors: the errors
the code i use to create new container:
docker run --hostname=quickstart.cloudera --privileged=true -t -i --publish-all=true -p 8888:8888 -p 80:80 --name cloudera-test cloudera/quickstart /usr/bin/docker-quickstart
so this is a problem of porting or hardware or something else?
i think i got the answer, because my computer have 8 GiB memmory, when i use the command
docker start [container name]
it takes time to all the services to startup we can see the status of all the services with the command
service --status-all
the location of all the services is: /etc/init.d/ so i suggest not to try get in the hue immediately after the container is startup. if still there is problems try to check whice service is not OK. for the HBase services we need to shut down them in this order: 1) service hbase-thrift stop 2) service hbase-regionserver stop 3) service hbase-master stop and to start from bottom to up (3, 2, 1) for more details you can read here