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Usecase Plantuml - Vertically stack the components

I'm trying to link the same object to multiple objects within the box. But the objects within the box are laying horizontally instead of vertical.

    rectangle Set{

      Application-right--> (Set Property)
      (Set Property)-right..> (Sensor Property) : <<extends>>
      (Set Property)-right..> (Info Property) : <<extends>>
    (Set Property) .right..> (Audio Property) : <<extends>>
    (Set Property) .right..> (Car navigation Property) : <<extends>>
    (Set Property) .right..> (Cluster Property) : <<extends>>
    (Set Property) .right..> (Diagnostic Property) : <<extends>>
    (Set Property) .right..> (HVAC Property) : <<extends>>
    (Set Property) .right..> (Power Property) : <<extends>>
    (Set Property) .right..> (Vendor extension Property) : <<extends>>

Current output


  • It is horizontal, because you are explicitly telling it to be horizontal with .right..>

    Change it to .down..> and you'll get what you want.

    enter image description here

    Also note that right and down directions are the default ones and depend on the number of dashes/dots in the line specification. Compare the following:

    rectangle Set1 {
      Application1 -> (Set Property1)
    rectangle Set2 {
      Application2 --> (Set Property2)
    rectangle Set3 {
      Application3 ---> (Set Property3)

    enter image description here