I am trying to insert multiple records into MYSQL from Node.js with a WHERE clause but I keep getting a syntax error.
The statement works fine until I try to add a conditional statement to it. Then I get this error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax near VALUES ? WHERE ...
var Data = data; // this is a nested array already as received from client side like [[..],[..],[..]]
var ID = 123;
var sql = "INSERT INTO table1 (Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5) VALUES ? WHERE"+ID+" NOT IN (SELECT somecol FROM table2 WHERE somecol= "+ID+")"
connection.query(sql, [Data], function (error, result) {
if (error) {
throw error;
res.json({ Message: "Oops something went wrong :("});
res.json({ Message: "Your data was added!"});
The connection is set up to allow multiple statements already:
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
password: '1234',
database: 'thedb',
port: 12345,
charset: "utf8mb4",
multipleStatements: true
The query works in this form without the WHERE clause:
var Data = data; // this is a nested array already as received from client side like [[..],[..],[..]]
var ID = 123;
var sql = "INSERT INTO table1 (Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5) VALUES ?"
connection.query(sql, [Data], function (error, result) {
if (error) {
throw error;
res.json({ Message: "Oops something went wrong :("});
res.json({ Message: "Your data was added!"});
How do I get the query work with the WHERE clause?
command will not work with Where
clause because you are inserting a new row. In naive terms, a Where
clause needs some rows to filter out based on the conditions. Based on your use case you can have two possible solutions:
Use Update
statements which could be like
Update table set col1=val1 where (condition clause)
If you really want to use Where
clause then you can use the Insert
command in the following form
Insert into table(col1,col2)
Select (val1, val2) from table2 where (condition clause);