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Delete [EXTRACT] written when copying two lines Imacros


When copying and pasting two lines of text as above.


But I would like to paste this as below. Please teach me.


I am using: Chrome 70.0.3538.102 Win10_x64 imacros10.0.5forCR (free)


  • Yep, when doing several Extracts, iMacros will separate them using this '[EXTRACT]' Separator, that when saving the Content to a '.CSV' using the 'SAVEAS' Command, will be converted to the '.CSV' Separator, usually a Comma.

    Using 'EVAL()' + 'replace()' usually, you can replace it with whatever you want...
    Instead of 'replace()', I prefer to use 'split()' like I had already mentioned in your previous Qt to achieve the Equivalent to a Global 'replace()' (that would require REGEX) and that will keep working even if you have more than 2 Addresses...:

    SET !EXTRACT adress1[EXTRACT]adress2
    SET !VAR1 EVAL("var s='{{!EXTRACT}}'; var z=s.split('[EXTRACT]').join('<BR>'); z;")
    PROMPT EXTRACT:<BR>_{{!EXTRACT}}_<BR><BR>Addresses:<BR>_{{!VAR1}}_

    (Tested on iMacros for FF v8.8.2, Pale Moon v26.3.3 (=FF47), Win10_x64.)

    And to include the Case of '#EANF#' (xN) and in any Position => See Content of '!VAR2' in the 'PROMPT':

    'SET !EXTRACT adress1[EXTRACT]adress2
    'SET !EXTRACT address1[EXTRACT]address2[EXTRACT]address3
    'SET !EXTRACT #EANF#[EXTRACT]address2[EXTRACT]address3
    'SET !EXTRACT address1[EXTRACT]#EANF#[EXTRACT]address3
    SET !EXTRACT address1[EXTRACT]address2[EXTRACT]#EANF#
    SET !VAR1 EVAL("var s='{{!EXTRACT}}'; var z=s.split('[EXTRACT]').join('<BR>'); z;")
    SET !VAR2 EVAL("var s='{{!EXTRACT}}'; var x,y,z; x=s.split('#EANF#[EXTRACT]').join(''); y=x.replace('[EXTRACT]#EANF#',''); z=y.split('[EXTRACT]').join('<BR>'); z;")
    PROMPT EXTRACT:<BR>_{{!EXTRACT}}_<BR><BR>Addresses_VAR1:<BR>_{{!VAR1}}_<BR><BR>Addresses_VAR2:<BR>_{{!VAR2}}_

    (Tested on iMacros for FF v8.8.2, Pale Moon v26.3.3 (=FF47), Win10_x64.)

    Notice the use of 'replace()' for 'y', I could have used 'split().join()' again also but all but an eventual final '#EANF#' should have already been "handled" by the 'x' part, then a simple 'replace()' is "good enough" to handle that last '#EANF#'.

    See and reactivate all 'SET !EXTRACT' Lines to test different Cases and different possible Positions for '#EANF#'.