I have an xts
object named adjPrices.xts
that contains an OHLC stock price history. The function quantmod::chartSeries, when called as follows, plots this data in a chart with a black background:
subset = '2014-07-01::2015-07-01',
type = 'bars',
name = paste(symbol, 'Adjusted Prices'),
However, quantmod::chart_Series with the same options creates a chart with a white background:
subset = '2014-07-01::2015-07-01',
type = 'bars',
name = paste(symbol, 'Adjusted Prices'),
I want to change the background color of this second plot to black, and I am following the approach suggested in this answer. The color attributes of chart_theme() are
> chart_theme()$col
[1] "#FFFFFF"
[1] "#F0F0F0"
[1] "#F0F0F0"
[1] "#F5F5F5"
[1] "#999999"
[1] "#333333"
[1] "darkorange"
[1] "red"
[1] NA
[1] "#333333"
[1] "#333333"
This suggests to me that I can set the background color to black as follows:
myTheme <- chart_theme()
myTheme$col$`bg` <- "black"
subset = '2014-07-01::2015-07-01',
theme = myTheme,
type = 'bars',
name = paste(symbol, 'Adjusted Prices'),
But the resulting chart still has a white background:
I also tried defining
as follows:
myTheme <- chart_theme()
myTheme$col$`bg` <- "#000000"
but the resulting chart still has a white background.
How can I set a black background when using chart_Series()?
At the moment you can't. There is an old not yet resolved issue #25 for this on github. A workaround would be calling on the R graphical parameters with par
This will create a black background.
par_old <- par(bg = "black")
Some other workarounds are using rtsplot. Based on R base graphics and has on option to draw candle charts. Background colours are set via par
rtsplot::rtsplot(SPY, type = "candle")
xts has a plotting environment plot.xts, but that one doesn't handle candle bars.
Tidyquant has geom_candlestick
for ggplot2, but these fail at the moment if you use ggplot2 > 3.0. See this tidyquant github issue