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Recursively Creating a Binary Tree Given a String Expression in Prefix Notation in Python

Representation of LinkedBinaryTree that should be outputted
import LinkedBinaryTree

def create_expression_tree(prefix_exp_str):

    def create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos):
        start_pos += 1
        op = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
        elem = prefix_exp[start_pos]
        if elem == ' ':
            elem = prefix_exp[start_pos+1]
            start_pos += 1

        if elem not in op:
            return LinkedBinaryTree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node(int(elem))
            left = create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos)
            right = create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos+2)
            return LinkedBinaryTree.LinkedBinaryTree.Node(elem, left, right)

    tree = LinkedBinaryTree.LinkedBinaryTree(create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp_str, -1))

    return tree

tree1 = create_expression_tree('* 2 + - 15 6 4')
for i in tree1.preorder():
    print(, end='')

I implemented my own binary tree class which is shown below. Preorder() is a generator for my LinkedBinaryTree that gives the values of the tree in prefix order. With this code, I'm outputting *2+-151 but it should be outputting *2+-1564 if the binary expression tree has been created correctly. I'm aware that there is an issue with numbers greater than 1 digit, but I'm not sure how to fix it without compromising the runtime (ie. using slicing). Also I'm not sure why it is omitting some of the tokens. Any ideas? (The implementation must run in linear time and use no additional parameters in the helper function I've defined).

import ArrayQueue

class LinkedBinaryTree:

    class Node:
        def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None):
   = data
            self.parent = None
            self.left = left
            if (self.left is not None):
                self.left.parent = self
            self.right = right
            if (self.right is not None):
                self.right.parent = self

    def __init__(self, root=None):
        self.root = root
        self.size = self.subtree_count(root)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.size

    def is_empty(self):
        return len(self) == 0

    def subtree_count(self, root):
        if (root is None):
            return 0
            left_count = self.subtree_count(root.left)
            right_count = self.subtree_count(root.right)
            return 1 + left_count + right_count

    def sum(self):
        return self.subtree_sum(self.root)

    def subtree_sum(self, root):
        if (root is None):
            return 0
            left_sum = self.subtree_sum(root.left)
            right_sum = self.subtree_sum(root.right)
            return + left_sum + right_sum

    def height(self):
        return self.subtree_height(self.root)

    def subtree_height(self, root):
        if (root.left is None and root.right is None):
            return 0
        elif (root.left is  None):
            return 1 + self.subtree_height(root.right)
        elif (root.right is  None):
            return 1 + self.subtree_height(root.left)
            left_height = self.subtree_height(root.left)
            right_height = self.subtree_height(root.right)
            return 1 + max(left_height, right_height)

    def preorder(self):
        yield from self.subtree_preorder(self.root)

    def subtree_preorder(self, root):
        if(root is None):
            yield root
            yield from self.subtree_preorder(root.left)
            yield from self.subtree_preorder(root.right)

    def postorder(self):
        yield from self.subtree_postorder(self.root)

    def subtree_postorder(self, root):
        if(root is None):
            yield from self.subtree_postorder(root.left)
            yield from self.subtree_postorder(root.right)
            yield root

    def inorder(self):
        yield from self.subtree_inorder(self.root)

    def subtree_inorder(self, root):
        if(root is None):
            yield from self.subtree_inorder(root.left)
            yield root
            yield from self.subtree_inorder(root.right)

    def breadth_first(self):
        if (self.is_empty()):
        line = ArrayQueue.ArrayQueue()
        while (line.is_empty() == False):
            curr_node = line.dequeue()
            yield curr_node
            if (curr_node.left is not None):
            if (curr_node.right is not None):

    def __iter__(self):
        for node in self.breadth_first():

I added the code here for LinkedBinaryTree class. The ArrayQueue class that is used in the implementation of the breadth traversal method is just a basic queue using a Python list as the underlying data structure.


  • The two issues with your code were:

    • you processed the characters one by one while several-digit numbers could be present (fixed by splitting the expression to a list)
    • you did not account for the fact that chained operator expressions could be longer that just your standard increment (fixed by adding a size property to Node

    So here is the new Node class

    class Node:
        def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None):
   = data
            self.parent = None
            self.left = left
            if (self.left is not None):
                self.left.parent = self
            self.right = right
            if (self.right is not None):
                self.right.parent = self
        def size(self):
            l = 1
            if self.left is not None:
                l += self.left.size
            if self.right is not None:
                l += self.right.size
            return l

    and here is the new tree creator

    def create_expression_tree(prefix_exp_str):
        expr_lst = prefix_exp_str.split(" ")
        op = {'+': None, '-': None, '*': None, '/': None}
        def create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos):
            start_pos += 1
            elem = prefix_exp[start_pos]
            node = None
            if elem not in op:
                node = LinkedBinaryTree.Node(int(elem))
                left = create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos)
                incr = left.size
                right = create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos+incr)
                node = LinkedBinaryTree.Node(elem, left, right)
            return node
        tree = LinkedBinaryTree(create_expression_tree_helper(expr_lst, -1))
        return tree

    EDIT here is a version that does not require to modify the Node class

    def create_expression_tree(prefix_exp_str):
        expr_lst = prefix_exp_str.split(" ")
        op = {'+': None, '-': None, '*': None, '/': None}
        def create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos):
            start_pos += 1
            elem = prefix_exp[start_pos]
            node = None
            size = 1
            if elem not in op:
                node = LinkedBinaryTree.Node(int(elem))
                left, left_size   = create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos)
                right, right_size = create_expression_tree_helper(prefix_exp, start_pos+left_size)
                node  = LinkedBinaryTree.Node(elem, left, right)
                size += left_size + right_size
            return node, size
        tree = LinkedBinaryTree(create_expression_tree_helper(expr_lst, -1)[0])
        return tree