I am creating a Quicksort algorithm on an array of integers. I am using this C algorithm and translating it into MIPS. However, MIPS and recursion is very tough indeed.
I am unsure how to send parameters into the recursive call QS. I recently discovered that I can change my $s registers for each frame in the call stack, by moving the stack pointer 4 bytes. This will allow me to change the $s registers for each stack frame such that I don't need a million variables for each QS frame.
My problem is that I don't really understand how and when to set and get these $sx values during recursion.
Recursion is implemented by moving the stack pointer register ($sp).
First of all, let's understand the point of moving the stack pointer: When you use recursion in a high level language, what it does, basically, is to "save" the state of the current function call in the "stack memory". To achieve this, you will have to:
But besides that, we have to save the value of $ra, to keep track of where we're supposed to go when the upper function ends.
Here's a simple example of a program that calculates factorial(n) recursively:
# Calls Fact with Input ($a0) N = 10
li $a0, 10
jal fact
# prints the Output ($v0) Factorial(N)
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 1
# exit
li $v0, 10
# Input: $a0 - N
# Output: $v0 - Factorial(N)
# Fact(0) = 1
beq $a0, 0, r_one
# Fact(N) = N * Fact(N-1) use recursion
# allocate 8 bytes in the stack for storing N, and $ra
addi $sp, $sp, -8
# stores N in the first, and $ra in the last position
sw $a0, 4($sp)
sw $ra, 0($sp)
# call Fact(N-1)
addi $a0, $a0, -1
jal fact
# Restore the values of N and $ra
lw $a0, 4($sp)
lw $ra, 0($sp)
# Free the 8 bytes used
addi $sp, $sp, 8
# Set the return value to be N * Fact(N-1) and return
mul $v0, $a0, $v0
jr $ra
# return 1;
li $v0, 1
jr $ra
This is what you should keep in mind when implementing your code, basically. Just pay attention to:
Some considerations: