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Why does my program return inaccurate result?

I wrote the well-known spectral-norm algorithm in Fortran after I initially wrote (and optimized) it in MATLAB. The speedup after naive conversion to Fortran is at least 18X, but the problem is that the output of the Fortran program is not accurate. The correct output should be 1.274224153 but my Fortran program outputs 1.273722712, what am I doing wrong in Fortran?

program perf_spectralnorm
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 5500, dp = kind(0.d0) 
real(dp) :: u(n) = 1, v(n), w(n), vBv, vv, res
integer  :: i, j, nvec(n)

nvec = [(i, i=1,n)]
do i = 1,10
   call Au(w, u)   ! change w
   call Atu(v, w)  ! change v
   call Au(w, v)   ! change w
   call Atu(u, w)  ! change u
end do
vBv = dot_product(u, v) 
vv  = dot_product(v, v)
res = sqrt(vBv/vv)

print '(f12.9)', res


elemental real(dp) function A(i, j)
   integer, intent(in) :: i, j
   A = 1.0_dp / ((i+j) * (i+j+1.0_dP)/2 + i + 1)

subroutine Au(w, u)
   real(dp) :: w(:), u(:)  
   do i = 1,n 
      w(i) = dot_product(A(i-1,nvec-1) , u)  
   end do

subroutine Atu(v, w)
   real(dp) :: v(:), w(:)     
   do i = 1,n  
      v(i) = dot_product(A(nvec-1,i-1) , w)       
   end do

end program perf_spectralnorm

My original implementation in MATLAB with correct output is as follows:

n = 5500; 
fprintf("%.9f\n", perf_spectralnorm(n))

function res = A(i,j) 
    res = 1 ./ ((i+j) .* (i+j+1)/2 + i + 1);

function w = Au(u,w)
    n = length(u);
    j = 1:n;
    for i = 1:n         
        w(i) = dot( A(i-1,j-1), u );

function v = Atu(w,v)
    n = length(w);
    j = 1:n;
    for i = 1:n         
        v(i) = dot( A(j-1,i-1), w );

function res = perf_spectralnorm(n)
    u = ones(n,1);
    v = zeros(n,1);
    w = zeros(n,1);
    for i = 1:10
        w = Au(u,w);
        v = Atu(w,v);
        w = Au(v,w);
        u = Atu(w,u);
    vBv = dot(u,v);
    vv  = dot(v,v);
    res = sqrt(vBv/vv);


  • Subroutines Au and Atu use a variable i for the do-loop through host association. This modified the do-loop variable i in main program, which is invalid. To solve the issue, you need to declare i as a local variable in Au and Atu. For example,

    subroutine Au(w, u)
         real(dp), intent(out) :: w(:)
         real(dp), intent(in)  :: u(:)
         integer i
         do i = 1, n 
            w(i) = dot_product(A(nvec-1,i-1), u)  
         end do

    Note, I've taken the liberty to also include the INTENT of the dummy arguments.