Google Voice has XML URLs so I was wondering how somebody would pull the JSON part from the returned XML and parse it out to a page. Google Voice's search capability is busted right now and I want to get access to my history. I'm thinking that a synchronous call to all of the pages up to the last known page number in my history should do it...
This may be your best bet...
Read about dataType conversion here:
Particularly the section that says:
You can define converters "inline," inside the options of an ajax call. For example, the following code requests an XML document, then extracts relevant text from it, and parses it as "mydatatype":
$.ajax( url, {
dataType: "xml text mydatatype",
converters: {
"xml text": function( xmlValue ) {
// Extract relevant text from the xml document
return textValue;
I don't know if this exact code snippet will return the JSON content properly, but at the very least it should strip it out of the XML response (you may need to add additional code to parse the returned "textValue" as JSON. Perhaps using the jQuery parseJSON
Maybe try:
$.ajax( url, {
dataType: "xml text mydatatype",
converters: {
"xml text": $.parseJSON;
Hope this helps.