My app scenes use a container component which calls a presentational component.
I can create the top right button within the container component like this:
static right = () => {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => buttonPressed()}>
<Text style={styles.rightButtonText}>Done</Text>
Now I am trying to have the top right button click be recognized by the presentational component (so it can save data).
I can communicate between the two by sending a function as a prop from the container component to the presentational component. And when that is called from the presentational component, it is called in the container component.
But I have found no way to make the static right
function in the container component hear the click in the presentational component (to then take the appropriate action).
I tried these two solutions along with several others (including Action.refresh) but none work. I thought of using state, but I cannot access state
or this.
if I am using a static function. But removing static
makes the button disappear altogether.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I've had a similar challenge in the past. The way I tackled was as follows (taken (mostly) directly from the codebase). Note that they are similar methods to the examples you provided, but perhaps this makes sense to you.
• Container component
Has an updateAccount
function which handles the business logic. This is passed into the presentational component as a prop
• Presentational component
Highlighting 2x specific functions from the presentational component:
When this is called, we know that the form has changed, so we want to show a 'save' button in the (react-native-router-flux) Navbar (which on tap, should trigger our container's updateAccount
). So we call toggleSaveButton
handleChange = (name, val) => {
this.setState({ [name]: val, formChanged: true }, this.toggleSaveButton);
If this.state.formChanged
is true, the form has changed so add the save button for the user to tap, otherwise hide it (eg. I might hide on form submit success)
toggleSaveButton = () => {
const config = this.state.formChanged
? { rightTitle: 'Save', onRight: () => this.props.updateAccount(this.state) }
: { rightTitle: '', onRight: () => {} };