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Returning multiple primitive objects in java . Unrecommended?

I'm just beginning to learn OOP programming in java. I have already programmed a little in C++, and one of the things I miss the most in Java is the possibility to return multiple values. It's true that C++ functions only strictly return one variable, but we can use the by-reference parameters to return many more. Conversely, in Java we can't do such a thing, at least we can't for primitive types.

The solution I thought off was to create a class grouping the variables I wanted to return and return an instance of that class. For example, I needed to look for an object in a an array and I wanted to return a boolean(found or not) and an index. I know I could make this just setting the index to -1 if nothing was found, but I think it's more clear the other way.

The thing is that I was told by someone who knows much more about Java than I know that I shouldn't create classes for the purpose of returning multiple values ( even if they are related). He told classes should never be used as C++ structs, just to group elements. He also said methods shouldn't return non-primitive objects , they should receive the object from the outside and only modify it. Which of these things are true?


  • I shouldn't create classes for the purpose of returning multiple values

    classes should never be used as C++ structs, just to group elements.

    methods shouldn't return non-primitive objects, they should receive the object from the outside and only modify it

    For any of the above statements this is definitely not the case. Data objects are useful, and in fact, it is good practice to separate pure data from classes containing heavy logic.

    In Java the closest thing we have to a struct is a POJO (plain old java object), commonly known as data classes in other languages. These classes are simply a grouping of data. A rule of thumb for a POJO is that it should only contain primitives, simple types (string, boxed primitives, etc) simple containers (map, array, list, etc), or other POJO classes. Basically classes which can easily be serialized.

    Its common to want to pair two, three, or n objects together. Sometimes the data is significant enough to warrant an entirely new class, and in others not. In these cases programmers often use Pair or Tuple classes. Here is a quick example of a two element generic tuple.

    public class Tuple2<T,U>{
        private final T first;
        private final U second;
        public Tuple2(T first, U second) {
            this.first = first;
            this.second = second;
        public T getFirst() { return first; }
        public U getSecond() { return second; }

    A class which uses a tuple as part of a method signature may look like:

    public interface Container<T> {
         public Tuple2<Boolean, Integer> search(T key);

    A downside to creating data classes like this is that, for quality of life, we have to implement things like toString, hashCode, equals getters, setters, constructors, etc. For each different sized tuple you have to make a new class (Tuple2, Tuple3, Tuple4, etc). Creating all of these methods introduce subtle bugs into our applications. For these reasons developers will often avoid creating data classes.

    Libraries like Lombok can be very helpful for overcoming these challenges. Our definition of Tuple2, with all of the methods listed above, can be written as:

    public class Tuple2<T,U>{
        private final T first;
        private final U second;

    This also makes it extremely easy to create custom response classes. Using the custom classes can avoid autoboxing with generics, and increase readability greatly. eg:

    public class SearchResult {
        private final boolean found;
        private final int index;
    public interface Container<T> {
         public SearchResult search(T key);

    methods should receive the object from the outside and only modify it

    This is bad advice. It's much nicer to design data around immutability. From Effective Java 2nd Edition, p75

    Immutable objects are simple. An immutable object can be in exactly one state, the state in which it was created. If you make sure that all constructors establish class invariants, then it is guaranteed that these invariants will remain true for all time, with no further effort on your part or on the part of the programmer who uses the class. Mutable objects, on the other hand, can have arbitrarily complex state spaces. If the documentation does not provide a precise description of the state transitions performed by mutator methods, it can be difficult or impossible to use a mutable class reliably.

    Immutable objects are inherently thread-safe; they require no synchronization. They cannot be corrupted by multiple threads accessing them concurrently. This is far and away the easiest approach to achieving thread safety. In fact, no thread can ever observe any effect of another thread on an immutable object. Therefore, immutable objects can be shared freely.