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How to update multiple json fields at root level with Postgres?

I am trying to update the fields age and city of one json feed using:

select jsonb_set(d,'{0,age,city}',d || '{"age":30,"city":"los angeles"}') 
from (
  values ('{"name":"john", "age":26,"city":"new york city"}'::jsonb)
) t(d);

but what I get back is:

{"age": 26, "city": "new york city", "name": "john"}

instead of the expected:

{"age": 30, "city": "los angeles", "name": "john"}

that means none of the wanted fields have been updated.

I have already looked at:

postgres jsonb_set multiple keys update

and went through the relative documentation but I cannot get it right. Any help?


  • From the documentation:

    All the items of the path parameter of jsonb_set as well as jsonb_insert except the last item must be present in the target.

    The path given in the query does not meet the above condition. Actually, jsonb_set() does not work for objects at the root level, and the only way is to use the || operator:

    select d || '{"age":30,"city":"los angeles"}'
    from (
        values ('{"name":"john", "age":26,"city":"new york city"}'::jsonb)
    ) t(d);
     {"age": 30, "city": "los angeles", "name": "john"}
    (1 row) 

    Maybe it would be logical that you could use an empty path

    select jsonb_set(d, '{}', d || '{"age":30,"city":"los angeles"}')

    Unfortunately, jsonb developers did not provide such a possibility.