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firebase hosting url rewrite pattern matching

How do I rewrite urls like:


in firebase hosting. I tried this in firebase.json but didn't work.

  "rewrites": [ {
      "source": "/**.html",
      "destination": "/DIRECTORY/**.html"
    } ]

How does pattern matching work in firebase hosting config. Help would be appreciated.


  • From the Firebase Hosting documentation on rewrites:

    The rewrites attribute contains an array of rewrite rules, where each rule must include:

    • A source specifying a glob pattern

    • A destination, which is a local file that must exist

    So it looks like you can only rewrite to a specific, existing file, not to another wildcard.

    You could consider using redirects instead, since those do support dynamic segments in their destination URL.

    "redirects": [ {
      "source": "/:page*",
      "destination": "",
      "type": 301

    This sends a redirect instruction back to the client, so they will be able to see what the final path is.